Monday, April 09, 2007

Seeing, not hearing.

I'm afraid I've little to report on Halou-related activity for the past week. I've solidly finished work on the Science Teacher EP and that's just taken it out of me musically for a bit.

My other pursuits usually struggle to find attention amidst all the playing and recording of music but lately things have really been coming into focus. My filmmaking 'career' is very much in its infancy but I am getting MUCH experience doing location shooting and direction. Very fun, but very different from the kind of work I'm used to.

We inevitably move closer to the actual recording dates for Halou and I'm getting that familiar feeling again: 'These are the songs you've got so if you want more to pick from, you better write 'em now.' Feeling very untethered stylistically these days and hoping some concentrated studio time will help me to see the direction things will go. I'm sure it will.

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