Sunday, February 18, 2007

Sybil and Caesar

Suffering here in California from hurricane Sybil - the multiple-personality weather thing is utterly baffling. Amazingly temperate here right now. The heat has the corks lifting out of all my Chardonnay bottles, strangely enough.

Last night, Rebecca and I struggled with a new track we're calling 'Lunatic' for the moment. This one is just so different than what we usually do that I think we had no strategies in place to come up with things that worked easily. Every addition was a struggle, but I think in the end we nailed it. Sounds nearly finished and there's nothing on it but bass, drums, guitar and vocals. Something refreshing about that, actually.

All the projects I've been mentioning here lately are going very well, in fact. Finding myself behind a personal goal I've even managed to do quite a bit of work on what I imagine will become the next Invisible Ballet record. Looks like we're about 1/3 of the way there on that one. Possibly 2007, but who knows.

Rebecca and I have been totally swept up in Season 1 of Rome. I'm hardly a historian, but Rome is a dark part of our past I know very little about. This show, though very obviously 'produced', is a user-friendly way to get familiar with the time period. As close as I can figure it based on what I've seen so far, Rome suffered from a duality represented best by knives and breasts. The original sex and violence, I suppose. Captivating.


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