Tuesday, October 17, 2006

This Will All Make Sense.


After a couple of weeks away from Halou music, I spent some time today working on one of the new songs. Something we're doing a bit differently these days is recording a scratch vocal quite early on and I appreciated having that to listen to. Typically, I've completed the structure and arrangements completely before any collaboration has taken place. It's taken a lot of time for me to realize that I don't enjoy the process as much that way. The way we're working now feels more human, somehow - more collaborative. I suppose that's a good way to describe our intentions currently.

Speaking for myself, I am finally aware of what I'm doing. It seems that at some point over the last 18 months or so I've learned how to listen in a new way. Being more constructive with my self-criticism has become valuable to me and, I think, improved my satisfaction with what results from my work.

This evening, I opened up a demo we've been calling 'This Will All Make Sense In The Morning'. Hearing it for the first time in quite a while was a relief. I had remembered liking it a lot, but had forgotten a lot of the details. Tonight, I was able to analyse it and make a few plans about where I think the song should go from here. This resulted in some conflict as it doesn't seem to want or need much more than is there. My instinct is usually to layer and layer and layer. Trying to think in new ways. Difficult.

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